Sandy Goodall, a trained Car Seat Technician, was struggling to fit ‘3-across-the-backseat’ in her car and wanted to try out our Bubble Bum with her nearly 7-year-old to see how versatile it is in compact spaces. Here’s Sandy’s review.
I've thoroughly tested out the Bubble Bum in all sorts of scenarios including using it in grandma’s car, a friend’s car, using it for 3 across the backseat and for different aged children. The Bubble Bum as ‘sooooo convenient’ for short trips when I don’t have time to move across our normal car seat.
The Bubble Bum is super-easy to inflate and I like the way it keeps the belt positioned correctly which is what a booster needs to do. At first, it took my daughter a little while to get the hang of putting the belt through the guides on the side, but after a few tries, she can now do it easily. The sash guide is a major benefit in making it fit correctly on the shoulder and often basic half boosters don’t offer this safety feature.
I like the way the Bubble Bus is compact, lightweight and portable. It’s great for when my daughter goes in other people’s cars. It’s easy to inflate and the shoulder guide is easy to adjust, so when I change it from one height to another, it is quick and simple.
I would suggest that the Bubble Bum is great for short trips and for older children who should still be using a booster. The only change I’d make to the design, is to lengthen the seat to make it more comfortable and discourage slouching. Overall I’d highly recommend the Bubble Bum. It also fills a massive gap in the market for a narrow seat to allow 3 car seats across the back. I know a lot of parents take their children out of car seats too early because of this problem. Get a Bubble Bum and keep ‘em safe!