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Buzzy4Shots Distraction Cards

Regular price $14.99 Sale

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Use the simple art of distraction...

These distraction cards are a very cool tool to use in conjunction with Buzzy.

Distraction can reduce pain by up to 50% and is often better than medical pain relief.

Hospital Child Specialists at pediatric hospitals train in using the right words and techniques to help kids of different ages focus away from procedures. These clever cards give the right complexity and task variety with no training needed!

Counting and finding tasks provide great distraction for all ages. Simply flip a card toward your child and ask the age-appropriate questions on the back. Medical professionals, mums & dads can easily attach the cards to a badge or keychain for convenient use.

Five credit card size "brightly colored cards on a snap ring, with age-specific questions. 

Age: all ages from child through to adult.


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