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2-in-1 Milk Shells

2-in-1 Milk Shells

Regular price $28.49 Sale

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2-in-1 Milk Shells : Collect your let down AND help air out your sore nipples! These are a must-have!

Did you know that when you breastfeed your baby in one side, it triggers a letdown of milk on the other side?

Catch your letdown with our Maia Milk Shells. Perfectly discreet, light weight, and portable. Each shell holds up to 40ml!

Instructions: Place inside your bra during breastfeeding, pumping or when you feel a letdown coming on. Remove stopper then pour into a Maia Mum Milk Storage Bottle. Always follow breastmilk storage guidelines.

Maia Milk Shells can also be used to help heal sore, cracked nipples. Simply remove the plug for air ventilation and place in bra to keep the skin dry and avoid further irritation from clothing.

Cleaning: After each use, remove the silicone back and stopper from the shell, hand wash all parts in warm soapy water. Steam Sterilise all parts for 3minutes. All part can withstand temperatures up to 120oC. Once dry, store in case provided.

What's Included: 2x Maia Milk Shells, 2x Stoppers and 1x Case

Made From: Food grade silicone and PP materials. BPA free

Top Tip: When you have taken the plug out for air ventilation, link the ends of the stopped together around your bra strap so you don't lose it!

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Liz Rance

Works as expected

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