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Backseat car mirror

Baby-in-View Back Seat Car Mirror

Regular price $44.99 Sale

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Keep a close eye on your baby while driving...

Our fun, friendly backseat car mirrors provide entertainment for your baby while in the car. Your baby can see themselves in the mirror and at the same time you can glance up in your rare-vision mirror to check your baby is safe and happy.

  • For use with rear-facing seats
  • Easily attachable to back seat headrest or for cars without headrests, the weighted bag will hold the mirror in place.
  • Safe shatter-proof convex plastic mirror
  • ASTM & CE Tested
  • Babies love to watch themselves in mirrors - you can also use our mirrors in the cot or for tummy time
  • Our mirrors are made exclusively using the best quality fabrics and materials.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Alanah McAnulty
Enjoying our backseat car mirror

It was very easy to set up and did not require altering to be able to see babies face as the mirror itself is very large and gives a lovely clear reflection.
Our baby loves the soft cuddly animal design of the mirror and gives her something to look at during car trips when she can’t see much else being rear facing.
This mirror helps with interaction with your baby as they can see you and aids safety to be able to see them while they are sleeping or eating on the move.
I particularly love the fact that the mirror is weighted which means that the mirror doesn’t vibrate or bounce around while driving and gives a super clear view.

E Smith
Must have product

Brought two of these a year ago one for my car and one for my partners and its been so handy! Our boy loves looking at the cute animals, gives him something to look at but also is reassuring we can see him in the mirror while driving. Definitely recommend this product to others looking for a car mirror! So easy to install and stays in place well!

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