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Rodger Alarm Base Unit

Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm Second Base Unit

Regular price $99.99 Sale

FREE shipping on orders over $150

An additional BASE UNIT for parent’s room.

This alarm can have a second base unit which can be in the parents room so they can be woken up to help the child when they wet.

You simply pair the transmitter on both base units and they will both sound when your child wets.

Receivers work up to approximately 22 Metres - depending on wall and floor construction and surrounding environment. We recommend testing your alarm prior to use, to make sure both units work within the layout of your home.

Can operate with batteries or main power.



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  • Usual delivery time 1-2 working days  
  • Courier door-to-door delivery using Courier Post
  • Shipping: $8.99 or FREE shipping on orders over $150.
  • Please provide a physical address. We do not send to PO Boxes.
  • For faster delivery please provide a non-rural address. RD deliveries take up to 6 days longer.

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