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Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm

Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm

Regular price $239.99 Sale

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Our #1 Best-Selling Alarm...

The Rodger Wireless Alarm System is the latest in bedwetting alarm technology. This modern, European-designed alarm is comfortable for your child, simple to set up and is completely wireless so there are no wires or cords to get tangled up in. Our 100% safe system comes with everything you need to help your child become dry at night. 

How does a bedwetting alarm work?

Bedwetting alarms work on a principle called 'conditioned learning', whereby the weak signal of a full bladder in your child who wets the bed, is replaced with a strong signal in the form of an alarm sound. Wetness sensors detect when urine is released and activate the alarm which wakes your child so they can go to the toilet.

Over time, your child gradually learns to associate the sensation of a full bladder with the need to wake up before they wet the bed. Eventually the bladder reflex will function correctly and let your child sleep through the night.


Why choose the Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm?


Your child simply wears the special underpants to bed. There are no annoying wires to get tangled up in and no cords that can be pulled out.


The Rodger Alarm is 100% safe.  Your child will not be wearing any wires connected to power.

Instant Urine Detection

The key to an effective alarm is for wetness to be detected instantly, so the alarm sounds instantly, thereby teaching your child to connect the release of the bladder with the alarm sounding. With some other alarms there is a delay while the urine soaks through layers. With this alarm the sensors are sewn into the underwear, so no matter what position they are laying in, as soon as they start to urinate, the alarm will sound. This alarm is effective for front, back, side or ‘all-over-the-place’ sleepers.


Part of the learning process, is teaching your child to wake up to the alarm sound and visit the toilet. With this alarm your child needs to get out of bed to turn it off. With other alarms, they can stay in bed, turn off the alarm or pull the cords out and go back to sleep.

Parent Back-up

If your bedroom is too far from your child’s room to hear the alarm, you can purchase a second base unit for your own room. When the alarm is activated, the base units in both rooms will sound.

Tone and Volume to Suit

Some children are sensitive to different sounds and volumes, with this alarm you can select from 8 different tones and set the alarm volume to suit your needs.

Deep Sleepers & Room Sharing

If your child is a very deep sleeper or they share a room or dorm with others, or if you are concerned the alarm may wake others in your home, you can purchase a Bed-Shaker which sits under your child’s pillow or in their bed. When the alarm is activated, the unit will vibrate (instead of sound) to wake your child.

Phone Support

Full detailed instructions are provided, but we are also on the end of the phone for any help you may need. Give us a call on 0211905564. We’re happy to help.

Even more Support & Advice

Download our Free 18-page ‘Wake Up Dry’ e-book, packed full of all the support and advise you need to tackle bedwetting, including ‘Top Tips for Success when using a Bedwetting Alarm.

Motivation Help

The FREE Rodger Bedwetting App helps motivate your child to continue following the bedwetting treatment by rewarding him with badges and rewards that you can set yourself. This motivation contributes to the success of the bedwetting treatment. You can also keep track of the progress of the treatment with the handy calendar.

What’s included?

  • Base Unit with NZ/Australian Plug
  • Transmitter (battery included)
  • 2, 3, or 4 pants (your can purchase this alarm with either 2, 3 or 4 underpants as a set)
  • Instructions
  • Progress Stickers

Frequently Asked Questions

Are bedwetting alarms safe?

Yes, 100% safe. Your child simply wears special underwear with sewn-in sensors and a small transmitter unit (which talks wirelessly to the base unit plugged into the wall). Your child will not be wearing any wires connected to power.

What age should I start using a bedwetting alarm?

That really depends on your individual child. They need to be self-motivated, as well as old enough to operate the alarm (with some parent help). We would recommend that your child has passed their 5th birthday before using an alarm.

How long does a bedwetting alarm take to work?

Long term dryness, on average, takes around 32 days. Some children are dry much sooner, within days, others take much longer.

Do bedwetting alarms wake up deep sleepers?

The Rodger Alarm system is 90 decibels. The average adult wakes up in response to 40- 45 decibels. The bedwetting alarm can usually be heard in a nearby bedroom. You can adjust the volume and alarm tones to suit your needs. You can also purchase an extra base unit to sound in your own bedroom.

Does the alarm sound scary?

Some children are sensitive to different sounds and volumes, with this alarm you can select from 8 different tones and set the alarm volume to suit your needs.

Is it worth paying the price?

If your child continues to wet for another 12 months, the cost of the pull-ups alone is more than $500. Other costs add up too including washing detergent, power costs to run washing machines and dryer and mattress replacements, not to mention the mental toll it may have on you and your child. Research suggests bedwetting alarms will help 80 per cent of children to become dry, and the majority of children will then stay dry. 

Also, remember that bedwetting does run in families, so you may be using the alarm with more than one child. After you have finished using the alarm, the base unit and transmitter can be sold on to another family.

Can this alarm be used for daytime continence training?

Yes. Because this is a wireless, discreet, wearable alarm, it is often used for people who have special needs as a way of assisting with day time continence training.

Are all bedwetting alarms the same?

No, bed wetting alarms vary widely. The Rodger bed wetting system has two unique advantages.

1. The moisture sensor is integrated into the underwear, so it triggers the alarm at the very first sign of wetness. This is a vital feature which enables your child to learn the skill of independently responding to a full bladder by waking. The integrated sensor is not triggered by sweat.
2. The Rodger alarm system is wireless, so you can be very assured of their safety while asleep, there is no danger of your child disconnecting the alarm in their sleep, in response to the alarm going off.

What if my child does not wake up when the alarm sounds?

It is very common for children to sleep through the alarm to start with. At first they will need your help to wake up. It is very important to wake them as soon as possible so they associate a full bladder with wetting. If your room is next to your child’s and you leave the doors open, you should hear the alarm, otherwise you can purchase a second base unit to plug into your bedroom.

Manufacturer: Rodger

Alarm Type: Wireless

Sensor Type: Sewn into underwear

Warranty: Alarm 12-month warranty from date of purchase. Underpants 3-month warranty from date of purchase.

Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to offer returns, exchanges or refunds on the Pants.

Battery:  Transmitter: 1 CR 2032 (battery included), Receiver: 2 x 1.5-volt AA alkaline (or plug into wall socket)

Plug: New Zealand/Australian wall plug included.

Range: The maximum range of the system is approximately 22 metres. The actual range depends on wireless interference and wall materials.

Underwear Sizes:





5-7 yrs

22-23" waist



8-10 yrs

23-26" waist




26-27" waist



13+ (young adult)

27-29" waist



Adult Medium

32-34" waist



Adult Large

36-38” waist



Please note the purple pants are designed for females and the blue and red pants are unisex. 

How to measure your waist:

  1. Raise clothing and measure against bare skin.
  2. Your waist is the part between the top of your hips and the base of your rib cage. It is the narrowest part of your torso and usually at or just above your belly button.
  3. Hold the tape measure just above your belly button and wrap tape around your waist. Breathe normally and don’t dig the tape into your skin.
  4. Read the measurement on the tape. The measurement will be at the place on the tape where the zero end meets the slack end of the tape measure.

Don’t have a measuring tape? Use a long cord or belt, then hold the end point and lay flat against a ruler or builder’s tape and measure.

Do you have more questions?

Check out our video below detailing how the Rodger Alarm works or give us a call on 0210540251. We're happy to help. 


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    With a child who was wetting heavily and repeatedly at nights, it was astonishing how effective the alarm was at training him to wake and take himself to the bathroom during the night. After only two weeks, he was completely dry every night. Thank you! - Clare

    Please share my feedback. Results: week 1, one dry night. Week 2, 3 dry nights. Week 3, 6 dry nights. He dealt with the alarm, changing pants, resetting alarm all by himself. Imagine his pride each morning, ”I was dry again, mum!” It will also have saved us a fortune in pullups. I am amazed! - Sandy

    Loved it and would recommend it to others. I know he was ready but I had tried many things over the last 2 years to get him dry and I just couldn’t get him there. Was so happy it only took a week and we will keep wearing it until he has been dry for a few weeks. Thank you! - Annie

    I urge anyone with a bedwetting child to consider the Rodger system, and may you experience the joy and relief of the cessation of bedwetting as we have. - Happy parent

    We were totally frustrated and willing to try anything. A friend put me onto this alarm. I wish I'd found it sooner. Worked brilliantly. Money very well spent. - Carrie


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 25 reviews
    Wonderful product

    My 6yo daughter is such a heavy sleeper we couldn’t get her out of overnight nappies. We’ve been using your alarm for about 3 weeks consistently and she is now waking herself up once a night (beating the alarm essentially) to go to the toilet. The progress seemed to have come in stages from the alarm going off while she did a pee then she learned to hold most of the pee in when the alarm went off until now finally she is beating the alarm and getting up to pee herself before she lets any go in bed. It’s been such a success and we’re so proud of her. Thank you for the great product and very quick postage.

    Leanne Polglaze
    Worth the money

    We had a mat with the same idea but was getting hard.. splashed out and spent the money to purchase this and haven't looked back.. still on the road to dry nights but my child is able to do it all herself and comfortable. Took camping and worked a treat! Defiantly recommend.

    Don't hesitate

    Seriously, don't wait, just get this alarm. We battled wet beds for way too long and should have got this much sooner and saved all the headaches. Once we started using this device, something just clicked with him and he stopped wetting. At the start we had to wake him because he's sleeps so deeply but it didn't take long until he woke and went to the toilet. Now he doesnt' get up at all, he just sleeps through. Bloody marvelous.

    karee owen
    Don’t work for us

    My daughter sleeps through the alarm and there doesn’t seem to be an option to turn up the volume. It does wake me up as I am a light sleeper but she just sleeps. Other than that it’s a great set up. I brought three of the underwear and she will often use all three pairs nightly so I would recommend that.

    Hi Karee, it is very common for bed wetters to initially sleep through the alarm sound. They are generally very deep sleepers. Initially you will need to wake her. Let the alarm continue to sound and wake her, then show her how to turn off the alarm. After a while her brain will tune into the alarm sound and she’ll start waking and know what to do. There’s a blog in my website and information in the free e-book you can download which details what you can do if she initially sleeps through. Otherwise give us a call and we’ll talk you through over the phone.

    Amy Prince
    The Money is worth it!

    I found this online after googling about toilet training a 7 year old boy. I was extremely worried for my son and he was worrying about having sleep overs and wetting the bed bcasue our son is such a heavy sleeper that we knew it would take something (routine is key) like this to help him. The first 2 weeks he would sleep through the sound and wet through the bed twice - usually around 4 hours after he fell asleep and just before he should wake up.
    We are now 1 month in and if he begins to wet the sound is waking him instantly and then he is able to just change the undies OR in the last few nights he is sleeping through the night 10-12 hours of sleep without waking/wetting at all!
    The remote sensor is fantastic it's not bulky or worries my son being on (and he is a front sleeper)
    Few things to note:
    1. Don't just get 2 pairs of undies get 3-4 so you can wash them and ensure they are bone dry before your child goes to bed and puts the sensor on.
    2. Get brolly sheets to put over their sheets that help when the wet the bed - you can take that off, wash it and put in the drier.
    3. TRUST the process and keep going even if you have weeks of wet beds because it does work in the end.

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