Buzzy Personal Pain Relief Device
Buzzy4Shots ... for pain & distraction during medical procedures
BUZZY is a small vibrating device designed to help block sharp pain and provide distraction during medical procedures.
A cooling pad (ice-wings) is placed behind Buzzy, and Buzzy is placed between the brain and the pain (usually on arms or hands). Turn Buzzy on and leave him in place during the procedure. Your attention is taken away from the needle and pain and focused on the cool, vibrating buzzy bee.
Buzzy confuses your body’s own nerves and distracts attention away from the pain, thereby dulling or eliminating sharp injection pain. In the same way that rubbing a bumped elbow helps, or cool running water soothes a burn.
The gate control theory is the basis for Buzzy. “Gate control” is the term used to describe pain relief by causing sensations other than pain, and then sending them down the same pathway where pain gets blocked at the “gate”. Sharp pain, itching, and burning are transmitted on the same nerve to a transmission system in the dorsal (sensory) horn of the spinal cord. Motion signals travel alongside pain fibers on Abeta nerves, as do temperature and pressure nerves (C fibers). A single summary signal is then transmitted up the spinal cord, thus excess vibration or cold can overwhelm or dilute the sharp pain from shots, itching, or burning from medications.
Buzzy is used hospitals, healthcare facilities, general practices, clinics and in homes throughout New Zealand and Australia.
Our Personal Buzzy is perfect for children & adults:
- Who have frequent medical procedures
- With medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and blood disorders
- Who are undertaking a series of medical procedures over an extended length of time
- Undertaking medical tests & treatments for allergies and skin disorders
- Who have a phobia of needles
- Who wish to keep one as part of their medical/first aid kit ... for dealing with splinters, bee stings & other bumps, cuts & bruises
Our Personal Buzzy Kit contains:
- BUZZY XL Bee. Size 7.5cm x 5cm
- 2 x Single Patient re-usable, re-freezable Blue Gel Ice Wings
- Instructions
- Batteries
What is the difference between HEALTHCARE and PERSONAL Buzzy?
My 4 year old son has Type 1 Diabetes. I came across the Buzzy for pain relief and decided to try it. I am so glad I did! Buzzy working like magic during site insertion.I hope the Buzzy makes dealing with Diabetes a little easier for you. It sure has for us! - Abby F
We went from screaming and held down to “I never felt that” – totally recommend! - Lotty
It’s miserable to fear shots so much, especially at my age, but I finally took Buzzy and my flu shot was amazing. I really did not feel a thing. – Dianne, age 59
We have just had our second successful blood test using Buzzy . . . so happy the investment was so worth it!
Hoping you could pass along the word that this is a fantastic product. Such a small thing that has/will make his visits more bearable. Wish we had it a lot sooner and that they are available everywhere. – Christine
These has been priceless for my sons Immunotherapy!
My daughter has just been for her 11 year old inoculations. We had tried 4 times unsuccessfully but this visit was a breeze to get 2 injections in no time. The nurse said she couldn't believe it was the same girl. I would highly recommend to anyone who is struggling with someone who hates needles. Thank you so much for stocking this product.
Bless the person who invented this product. My 6 year old was recently diagnosed with T1 diabetes and she screamed every time we came anywhere near her with a needle. On a diabetes facebook page I saw buzzy. We got one and it has made the world of difference. No problems now to blood sugar tests. She doesn't seem to feel a thing and it gives her something she can focus on instead of the prick.
My daughter has leukemia which involves a very long treatment plan involving lots of injections, blood tests and medical treatments with needles. Like many children she is scared of needles. I googled ways we could help her through and came across Buzzy. I'm so glad we found this little bee because he has made a world of difference. It really has worked wonders and given her a way of control over a scary situation. The nurses are lovely and so supportive and they have welcomed the use of her buzzy for each treatment. So much so, they are getting their own supply of buzzies for their department. I think this product should be funded for all cancer wards, not just for kids, but for adults too. There is lots of medical trials which back up the science behind why/how it works to distract the nerves. Thanks to the inventor of this little product that has made such a big difference.
Our daughter needs to get a daily injection of a medication that stings badly when administered. We use BuzzyBee every single day, and it's made things so much easier for her. 2 years and a few months on, and the original BuzzyBee we bought is going strong. Definitely worth it!