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Bed-Shaker Vibrating Unit for Rodger Bedwetting Alarm

Regular price $89.99 Sale

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Helping to wake your deep-sleeper...

This Bed-Shaker is an excellent accessory to the Rodger Wireless Bedwetting Alarm. It works well for those who are hearing-impaired, heavy sleepers or those who share a room (and don't wish to wake others).

The Rodger Wireless Alarm has an accessory port for the Bed-Shaker and can only be used when the alarm system is plugged in (not running by batteries). Place the Bed-Shaker under the mattress near the head, or under the pillow.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Leanne P
Great purchase

If you have a deep sleeper like mine, this is totally worth it to give this bedwetting training it's best shot... it also means if your child wakes up on it's own quicker it's way less likely you have to and way less washing. You won't be disappointed... totally worth it.. zzzzz

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